For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned
said Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of United States of America. From centuries, humans have organized their routines by using a pen and paper. Being organized brings out efficiency in work and reduces stress. But a pen and paper is not used only for organizing your lifestyle. Hundreds and thousands of papers have absorbed words of wisdom, kindness, knowledge and compassion. Writing is not always academic. From to-do lists to books, different combination of words are used by individuals throughout their lives. With the incorporation of technology in every part of human life, writing has also shifted to smart gadgets and when we talk about writing, online notepads, often called e-notepads, are a must use. An online notepad is a modern form of notepad available on the web that can be used to produce various forms of text.
Users have several benefits of using an online notepad. Imagine sitting in the waiting lounge at the dentist’s clinic and suddenly the bright idea for which you were brainstorming since days comes to your mind out of nowhere. The need to note it down somewhere is vital but you have nothing to write on. But there is one thing you carry anywhere you go and that is your mobile phone. So you just take it out, go to the browser and search for an online notepad. The search engine provides you with a variety of options to choose from. By clicking on a web address, you open an online notepad where you jot down your idea and it is saved for eternity. A few hours later, you are sitting in your cozy bed with your laptop and your phone is a little too far to reach from the bed. As procrastination is a part of a hard-working person’s life, instead of getting up after a long day at work, you open the browser on your laptop. Next, you login to your online notepad and there are your notes, saved for your later use! That is how online notepads work.
Talking about the benefits of using an online notepad, below are few points that you might consider while choosing.
first one is that there is a variety of online notepads available on the internet from simple to advanced ones. You can choose any online notepad from several available options that suits your needs. Advanced online notepads have many features that are offered by Microsoft Word. Even the simplest online notepads provide the options of cut, copy, paste, undo, redo, word and character count. With advanced online notepads, users can explore features such as text formatting, alignment, font size, font style, font color, inserting media, tables and much more. Some advanced online notepads also have spelling checker, grammar checker, plagiarism checker and option to paraphrase the content. A few of them support more than one kind of file formats and permit users to convert PDF files into editable text. Online notepads with the dictate keyboard option permits users to write without typing. Whatever the user speaks is written in the notepad saving users from the hassle of typing along with saving their time.
Accessibility is another major benefit of an online notepad. It can be accessed from any smart gadget to access the same data, provided that you have made an account on that online notepad site. Without an account, you can only access the data from the device you saved it. Online notepads can be used on mobile phones, laptops, mac books or any smart gadget of your choice at any place and time.
Your data is saved for eons and chances of data loss are little to none. You might lose your gadget but your data is saved in the notepad and you can access it from any other gadget. Chances of data theft are also decreased to minimal if you use a password protected online notepad. Data can be organized in different files and each file can be given a unique title. The next time you need that specific data, just search the name of the file and it will pop-up on your screen, saving time. The option to re-organize the files is always available and you can revise as well as re-format the data inside the files whenever you want. Everything is present in one place saving users from the hassle of going through pages or different gadgets to find the specific data they need. You can always download the data file into your device if you want.
The most cherished benefit of an online notepad is that there is no need to download it on your phone or anywhere else, thus saving storage of your gadget. The data is stored online so you have plethora of space and you can save as many files as you want without the pressure of deleting files for freeing storage space unless you want to.
Online notepads have made data sharing much easier for users. Individuals have variety of options to share data with peer groups and colleagues. It can be shared through e-mail, Twitter, WhatsApp or Facebook, that too without the need to save the file in your device.
A less talked benefit of online notepads is that they are eco-friendly and help in saving the environment. Deforestation is a major issue faced worldwide. The paper we use in different conventional notepads and notebooks comes from the trees that are crucial to the survival of living things. Individuals can minimize the use of paper by using online notepads, thus making an environment friendly move. Many online notepads are also aesthetically pleasing for users who crave beauty.
The benefits of using online notepads are numerous. They are user-friendly and convenient to use. E-notepads always come in handy for all sorts of people, be it housewives, students, employees or entrepreneur. With all the advanced features, anyone and everyone can benefit from them to produce different sorts of writings. Therefore, adapt to online notepads for better and advanced experience in the field of writing.
Note-taking has been a part of human life since early ages. Why do individuals do that? For various purposes of course. From daily to-do-list to educational purposes, note-taking and making are essential for many individuals. It keeps your life organized and keeps you mindful of your paramount as well as minute activities.
Life is changing at a rapid pace and humans are evolving each day. Like everything else, note-making has also revolutionized over the years. A paper and a pen are not available everywhere you go, so that’s where online notepads come in handy! Just remembered something important while travelling to the market and you don’t have paper and a pen? Just open your browser and use an online notepad.
You will find various free online notepads on the internet but opting for an online notepad with password is the safest way to keep your data stored and handy for use anytime, anywhere. In today’s digitally advanced world, keeping your data safe is tough. Through an online notepad with password, you can keep tons of data safe from piracy and data theft. All you need to do is search for an online notepad with login, create an account, and voila! You are good to go. This can prove to be the simplest way to secure all types of personal and professional data on the web.
An interesting thing about free online notepads is that you can even make notes without making an account. Let’s say you don’t want to use an online notepad with login at the moment. Just open your browser, search for an online notepad and you can even save your data without making an account. The file can then directly be saved into your device and whenever you will go back to the notepad, you will find your data there. But without an account, you can only access data by going back from the same device. Thus it is better to use an online notepad with login so that you can access your data from any device.
You might think why you should opt for online notepads instead of a notepad you have on your phone or laptop. Well here are some reasons why!
There is a diverse range from online notepads with login to those with no login requirement available on the internet. You can choose any notepad that suits your demands.
Online notepads can be easily accessed at any time and place. You are not bound to use them on a specific device as they are available on the web. Therefore, you can access the same data from your phone, laptop, or even a net café. This gives online notepads an upper hand over all other forms that may be available. But remember you can only access your data from different devices if you use an online notepad with login. Otherwise, without an account, you will have to use the same device.
Online notepads have various features that can come in handy while you take notes. Along with writing, you can cut, copy, paste, undo, redo and edit your text. They also allow you to name your notes so each of your notes can have a unique title. You can sort your notes according to your wish and the option to reorganize and rearrange them is always available. If you cannot find any specific notes that you are looking for, a search option is also available on many online notepads to help you find your desired data. Just search the title you gave to that specific note and it will pop up. Many online notepads unable you to check your word count as well which can be really helpful if you are a student or a content writer with a fixed word count. Some online notepads also have an option of dictate keyboard where you speak and the words are written themselves. Thus saving you from the hassle of typing for hours.
Data safety is foremost important for individuals. Online notepad with password provides you a chance to protect and secure your data on the web. While you may lose your precious data due to a damaged hard drive or a lost phone, data that is saved in online notepad with login is kept secure from all such cases, for eons until you decide to discard it yourself. Make sure to keep your online notepad password safe from people to secure your data.
Data sharing is a crucial part of life. Online notepads have made data sharing much easier as compared to conventional notepads. You can share your data saved on an online notepad through email, WhatsApp, Facebook, or any other app.
You might feel the need to delete a few notes from your phone to make some space but online notepads save you from such hassle as well. You can save as much data as you want without worrying about the storage space. Thus, they come in handy for people who deal with a plethora of data on day to day basis with less place of storage. Simply use an online notepad with password to save all your data in one place while keeping it secure as well.
While a few might disagree, but visuals play an important role in our perception of things. Along with all other benefits, online notepads are also aesthetically appealing for people who look to seek beauty. Rapid tables is such an online notepad that looks like a neat notebook page.
One main benefit of using an online notepad is, that you can share it easily with anyone. There are multiple options available to share this with anyone like Whatsapp, SMS, EMail, etc. And the interesting part is you can encrypt the entire note with a strong password. So, only authorized persons can access the note. This makes more sense to use a free online shareable notepad.
We deal with words and data all the time. Therefore, the need to store data is primary. With all its benefits, online notepads are a go-to for anyone. They are simple, easy to use, and one click away. We would personally suggest always use an online notepad with password to make sure your data is well protected and only you can access it with your online notepad password. Rest assured, it will keep your data safe for you. So anytime you want to write something new, use an online notepad for free and unleash the writer within you!
Conventional notepads have been replaced by Pad Online which has made note making much more easy and convenient than before. Any individual can now take notes online and save them on web for later use. As a result, data can be saved and accessed from anywhere without the threat of data theft or losing data because of loss of gadget in which it was saved.
So you might wonder what exactly Pad Online is? It is an e-notepad available on the internet. To access Pad online, simply go to your web browser and search “Pad online”. The search engine will take you to the website. Click on the link and start making notes. You can also save them for later use on web and the notes can even be saved on to your device. It can be used for any kind of write-ups from making daily to-do list and college assignments to writing blogs and articles before uploading. One of the best features of Pad Online is that it provides a word and character count as well so you can keep account of how much you have written.
Pro notepad editor is another form of e-notepad where you can not only create new notes but edit existing notes as well. This option is not available in all e-notepads. Online Notepad editor allows you to upload the file you want to edit from your device and afterwards you can edit it using the website. This option comes in handy if you don’t have access to your laptop and you need to edit or create a document urgently. You can simply do so by going to the browser in your mobile phone and create or edit the document of your choice. Although you can edit text on any e-notepad by simply copying pasting the text from the document to the editor but the option to upload a file is much easier and less time taking. Another interesting feature of Online Notepad Editor is that it can support different types of file formats. You can upload a word document on to an online notepad editor and edit it. But that is not it as online notepad editor has something more for you in stores as well. With its help, users can also convert a PDF file format into an editable text making it convenient for users to edit PDF files.
Note making has always been an important part of our daily lives since early ages. From simplest to highly professional, every text has its own importance and can come in handy any moment. E-notepads and editors bring a wide range of features for users to create and edit texts for free without the hassle to download any app. They can be accessed through any smart gadget and making an account on e-notepad website will permit users to access same data from any device of their choice any time and at any place. This reduces the chances of data being lost to minimal, increasing the accessibility and convenience. Create amazing texts and shape your creativity with the help of online notepad editor because the only limit here is your imagination!
TurboScribe Logo TurboScribe Pricing FAQs Blog 2 of 3 daily transcriptions used Shortcuts Folders Export More dONtYK18MROn Nov 9, 2024, 2:19 PM dONtYK18MROn Play 00:00 15:38 Mute Settings (0:00) Shalom, shalom, brothers and sisters in Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. (0:10) He is Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, the Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, (0:17) who was and is and is to come. (0:21) He is the Lord God Almighty, Yeshua, Jesus the Messiah. (0:26) That's according to Isaiah 9, verse 6, Micah 5, verse 2, Revelations 1, John chapter 1 (0:34) and Colossians chapter 1. (0:37) They all speak of Yeshua, Jesus, as God Almighty, as God in the flesh, amen. (0:46) Well today I want to talk about this painting from 1992. (0:54) This is featured at the Bank of America headquarters, and it's a three part mural, and I think it's (1:03) very occultic in nature, and so I think that hidden within this mural is the plans of (1:09) the Luciferians, the plans for Donald Trump to be the Republican leader who would bring (1:17) about the end of days. (1:20) Now here we see a young boy with this golden hair, and on the right side of his face you (1:30) have this red rectangle. (1:34) It's almost like a pillar of sorts, and so I believe this actually represents Donald (1:40) Trump, the golden boy, the Donald, the Don, who would bring about this new age, this age (1:50) of wealth and prosperity that he's been promising people, and he would be the Republican leader. (1:59) And I think that's why his right side is red. (2:02) He represents the red pillar, the right pillar, as opposed to the left Democrat pillar. (2:10) And I believe that he is supposed to represent this new age that is supposed to come, that (2:18) he is promising people for America, you know, this make America great again idea, but in (2:26) actuality he's going to bring about the biblical end of days. (2:31) Now here we see what appears to be a solar eclipse, and according to the book of Joel (2:38) chapter 2, the Bible says that the sun will be turned to darkness and the moon into blood (2:45) before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes. (2:51) And what do we have today? (2:52) We have all these solar eclipses after the time Trump was in office, and so I believe (3:01) the Luciferians have been grooming the golden boy, Donald Trump, to be this person who would (3:09) bring about the day of tribulation, and I believe just as they orchestrated the rise (3:16) of Donald Trump and his prominent position as a leader of the free world, they will just (3:26) as easily take him out, whether it's a real or a staged assassination. (3:34) And I believe that is in order to collapse the two towers, to collapse the red and the (3:44) civil war. (3:46) And once civil war brings America down to the ground, that's when they can bring in (3:53) martial law, that's when they can bring in the new world order and establish this new (3:59) world paradigm. (4:01) Okay, they first have to destroy the American liberty, the free world, with the freedom (4:10) of religion, the freedom of speech. (4:13) They have to destroy all of that before they could institute this dictatorship, this Orwellian (4:22) nightmare that is the anti-Christ new world order, as talked about in Revelations chapter (4:29) 13. (4:31) And so I believe Donald Trump is just another actor, a person who has been groomed his entire (4:37) life to bring about the end of days. (4:41) And I think that he was designed to make this peace deal, or set the foundations for this (4:48) peace deal between Israel and Palestine and many nations. (4:54) Now this is from 1985, and in 1988 he actually discussed during a TV interview that he was (5:04) thinking about possibly running for president in 1988. (5:10) Well isn't that interesting? (5:11) As 8 represents the start of a new cycle, and he's supposed to represent the dawn of (5:19) a new age, or at least the harbinger for the rise of the anti-Christ, which I believe is (5:27) Barack Obama, and the fall of America. (5:32) Now what's interesting in this magazine, we see that it says Donald Trump's ultimate (5:38) deal by Ron Rosenbaum. (5:42) Now you might say this just has to do with his savvy business deals, and his rise to (5:49) power as this person who is very business minded and is able to make deals and make (5:57) lots of money. (5:58) Well I believe that it goes much, much deeper. (6:02) As Donald Trump I believe was hand selected to bring about this peace deal of the century (6:09) which he proposed in January 2020, which is when he met with Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime (6:19) Minister, and he announced his plans to divide Jerusalem and give Eastern Jerusalem to the (6:28) Palestinians for a capital. (6:31) And in his peace deal he was also planning to give the Palestinians a great deal of the (6:38) promised land. (6:39) Now the Bible says in Zechariah 12 that whoever burdens themselves with Jerusalem will be (6:47) cut to pieces. (6:49) And so I think that because Trump initiated this plan to divide God's holy land, he is (6:56) now dividing our land in every way imaginable. (7:03) Now you might say okay, this magazine, it's not talking about a peace deal, it's just (7:08) talking about his business dealings as this real estate mogul. (7:15) Well let's scroll down to the bottom of the magazine cover. (7:25) Now can anyone tell me what a dove has to do with business deals? (7:32) Okay this is obviously a sign of peace and his peace deal of the century which he was (7:39) groomed to introduce when he was the Republican President of the United States. (7:47) And while Trump promises this peace deal in the Middle East will make things better (7:54) and will satiate all of the conflicts, quench all of the struggling in the Middle East (8:02) and in America, okay it's actually only going to shoot ourselves in the foot when God begins (8:09) to destroy our land. (8:11) And this fulfills the prophecy when they say peace and safety. (8:16) Then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains upon a pregnant woman and they (8:25) shall not escape. (8:27) 1 Thessalonians 5 verse 3. (8:30) And this is supposed to be his autobiography and it's called Trump the art of the deal. (8:38) Okay once again I believe talking about this peace deal of the century that triggered all (8:44) of these birth pains that began right when he announced his plans in January 2020. (8:52) Now there's much speculation online as to whether or not God saved Donald Trump that (9:00) way he could be saved and save America. (9:02) Well I don't think that's true. (9:04) I think it's too late for America because her sins have reached up to heaven and God (9:10) must repay her according to her deeds. (9:14) As talked about in Revelations chapter 18. (9:18) And so while these Republicans begin to idolize Donald Trump as their savior, as a martyr (9:27) of sorts, okay America will be destroyed suddenly. (9:32) So I recommend that we do not put our faith and trust in Donald Trump. (9:38) I don't think we could trust him by any means. (9:42) I think he was designed to roll out this Operation Warp Speed as part of the fourth industrial (9:51) revolution and the releasing of the nanotechnology into the bloodstreams of the masses. (10:00) The gene-altering snake oil which I believe is the mark of the beast. (10:06) And I think that Donald Trump's assassination has been telegraphed, has been shown to us (10:14) in this Illuminati card game where it says enough is enough and it appears to show a (10:22) bullet whizzing past Donald Trump's face and it says at any time, at any place, our (10:30) snipers can drop you. (10:32) Have a nice day. (10:33) And this Illuminati card game is the same card game that predicted martial law, epidemics (10:41) and quarantines, a new world order, law and order, the attack on the Twin Towers, the (10:51) fire that hit the Pentagon on 9-11, and the BLM activists which took to the streets in (11:00) 2020. (11:01) And so the devil has quite literally showed us his cards and it seems like right now he's (11:07) playing the Donald Trump assassination card. (11:11) And once Donald Trump is assassinated, which I believe is going to happen soon, that would (11:19) trigger civil war. (11:20) It would collapse the red and the blue pillars of Freemasonry, the red party and the blue (11:28) party and essentially create a synthesis solution, which is the institution of the (11:37) new world order. (11:39) It is the mixing of the red and the blue through the form of a civil war and the solutions (11:48) that follow after with the rise of the Antichrist and his new world systems. (11:55) And you see here Donald Trump is holding an envelope on his waist as a Mason would hold (12:05) or would wear his apron during a ceremony. (12:09) I believe he's telling everybody that he is a Mason, he is a Luciferian, and the joke (12:16) is on us. (12:18) And so I believe soon the red clown Donald Trump and the blue clown Joe Biden will ultimately (12:27) be removed. (12:29) And this will probably escalate into a civil war as voters on both sides of the American (12:40) political system begin to war with one another. (12:45) And this is all by design. (12:47) As the Masonic motto is Ordo Ab Chaos, which is order out of chaos. (12:54) They create the chaos and then they bring us their new order, their solutions. (13:02) And I think it's also noteworthy to say that Donald Trump is a Gemini and the Gemini constellation (13:10) is known as the twins and the Gemini constellation is also known as the doorway. (13:16) Okay, so I believe this is a symbol for the Luciferians indicating that Donald Trump is (13:23) a doorway into this new age, a doorway into the new world order. (13:29) And by passing through the two pillars, the pillars of duality, you're able to reach a (13:36) synthesis solution, which is the rise of the new world order. (13:40) The purple synthesis, which is more or less this one world order system. (13:49) I believe that there is a Donald Trump that wears a red tie and a Donald Trump that wears (13:54) a blue tie. (13:56) And I don't know if they're twins or if they just look alike, but I believe they are two (14:01) separate people. (14:03) And I believe that they represent the twins, the twin pillars of Gemini. (14:10) And it's all about tearing down the twin pillars to bring forth this new synthesis. (14:17) I do not believe that Donald Trump can be trusted. (14:19) I believe he was hand selected by the Luciferians. (14:23) And I think they're going to either assassinate him on live TV or it's going to be a stage (14:29) assassination in order to instigate a civil war. (14:33) And so if you're putting your faith in Donald Trump to save America and to save your livelihood, (14:39) then you're building your house on sand. (14:43) And the Bible says, you know, build your house on the rock, which is Christ. (14:48) He is the solid foundation because a storm is coming very soon. (14:54) And whoever's not built their house upon the rock of Christ, it will all come tumbling (15:01) down. (15:02) Anyhow, please give your life to Jesus. (15:04) Believe that he is God. (15:05) That he died for your sins and rose again on the third day as payment for your sins. (15:12) And you can have forgiveness and everlasting life if you confess and forsake your sins (15:18) and follow Christ according to the New Testament Bible. (15:23) And may the Lord bless you and keep you and make his face to shine upon you and be gracious (15:28) unto you. (15:29) And may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and bring you shalom in Jesus name. (15:35) I pray. (15:37) Amen. Ready to Go Unlimited? Get immediate access to... Unlimited Transcriptions Unlimited transcriptions for one person. ? 10 Hour Uploads Each file can be up to 10 hours long / 5 GB. Upload 50 files at a time. Whale All Features Translation to 134 languages. Bulk exports. All transcription modes. Unlimited storage. ⚡️ Highest Priority We'll always transcribe your files ASAP with the highest priority.